Sunday, July 10, 2011

Install and Setup Zimbra in CentOS..........................

Zimbra is a suite of tools for Unix/Linux/MacOS systems, which includes a secure mail server, web mail, anti-spam/anti-virus controls, a Web management interface, integrated calendaring, mobile device sync, and more. In many ways, Zimbra is the Unix equivalent to Microsoft Exchange.

The machine will need at least 1024mb of memory to run the default Zimbra services.

1) You will need to install some required packages to proceed with the setup and avoid errors further on:
  • wget – download utility we will be using to download the latest version of Zimbra Open Source Edition.
  • postfix – an open-source mail transfer agent (MTA) that routes and delivers electronic mail; installation of Zimbra will fail without this package, according to my professor
  • ntp – a protocol designed to synchronize the clocks of computers over a network
You can install these packages with the following command:

#yum install wget postfix ntp
2) Make sure your time and date are set correctly.
You can check time/date by running ‘date’.
If you need to change them you use the same command followed by the current time and date in the format of MMDDhhmm. So for example, if it’s currently April 30 5:55pm, the command would be:

#date 07102011

3) Another step that may be important, and that my professor always told the class to complete, is to disable SElinux due to the various errors it may cause considering its stringent security policies. To disable it, use your favorite editor (mine is nano!) and change the SELINUX value in /etc/sysconfig/selinux to the following::

#vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

Then reboot your system. 
4) In addition, you may want to turn off your firewall temporarily while installing and setting up Zimbra. I will make a post later about how to configure your firewall so that Zimbra’s required ports are accessible but everything else is secured. To turn off the firewall in CentOS, run:

#service iptables stop

5) To find the latest version of Zimbra OSE, visit the following link:

I will be using the 32bit x86 version,Centos 5 . Since I’m installing it on a remote machine, I’m going to use wget to download the software:
# wget

6) Extract files from the downloaded archive:

#tar -xzf  zcs-7.1.1_GA_3196.RHEL5.20110527011124.tgz

 7) Run the install script with a platform-override argumentand then follow the instructions by installing whatever external packages the setup tells you are required and selecting options that correspond to your configuration:

#cd zcs-7.1.1_GA_3196.RHEL5.20110527011124
#./ --platform-override
Now process with your own requirements .
source :-



  1. Zimbra has it's own Postfix. You don't need postfix installed before installing Zimbra. In fact, you could have a failure due to a port conflict if postfix is already running when zimbra tries to start it's postfix.

    I came to your page because of the SELinux reference. I'm looking for a way to enable SELinux protections for a Zimbra server on either Ubuntu server or CentOS.

    The other skill I would like to find out is how to improve the Spam fighting features on my Zimbra servers.
    Cheers! Happy Computing!
